Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chuck Smith 10K Race Report

Today Mike and I ran in the Chuck Smith 10K in Beckley, WV.  Everyday this week has been sunny and 70's, naturally it was 50's and drizzling today.  I'll be honest, I think that's why I did so well.  You see, I lived in Alabama for 7 years and HATE the heat...almost as much as I HATE open water swimming!  Give me a ski resort and keep your beach!  I need the cold weather.  Well...I need it,but I could have done without the drizzle. 

So we started off and I watched the Garmin to make sure I didn't sprint out of the gate (my downfall).  There weren't too many 10K women runners, but it's nice to have competition!  So I kept my pace between 8 and 9 minute miles and watched my back and ended up coming in first overall female!  Kinda rocked!  It was my longest running race every and I am just happy I did so well.  I wanted to hit 54:00 and ended up with 51:42!!!  There really are no words for how you feel during an actual race!!

I did have some violent knee trouble about mile 3 and worried I'd have to drop the race, but I prayed and ran and prayed and ran and then before I knew it, I was done!  I'm feeling like crud now, but hopefully some ibuprofen, ice, and rest will help.  Guess I won't be doing my 11 mile run tomorrow...grrr. 

I am also so proud of my spin class chica's who rocked the 5K!! They are working so incredibly hard and I'm so incredibly proud.  They hung back and watched me get my trophy....despite the freezing cold rain trying to run us off.  What a good race!

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