Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The next step

It's amazing how quickly life passes and the ways we come to realize what is the most important to us.
I got the amazing pleasure of watching my little baby (b/c that's what she'll always be to me) graduate from preschool today.  She's gone to this school for 3 years and I LOVED it!  She enrolls in Kindergarten at another school in the fall.  I watched her tonight with her tiny, pink cap and gown and just cried.  I feel like the last 5 years have gone so very quickly, quicker than any other portion of my life.  The funny thing is, I didn't want these to go as quickly.  In college I wanted to "hurry up and graduate" same with high school, etc., but this time with my child is so incredibly fleeting and I'm so blessed with EVERY SINGLE MINUTE that the Lord gives me with her. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Birthday?

 Well I knew back in March that I wanted to make my mother and mother-in-law some aprons for their Mother's Day gifts this year.  I'm always torn on whether or not to "make" gifts because I usually only make bags and dresses, so craft projects are a bit scary.  But when I was in Hobby Lobby I walked by some super-cute fabric that screamed "make me into an apron", so I picked it up and proceeded to find the easiest apron pattern I could find.  You see, my mother and mother-in-law are NOT into "frills", so I had to find something that went totally against all the cutesy little ruffly apron patterns that are currently available and trying to turn us all back into June Cleaver.  Well I found something from Simplicity's Sewing for Dummies collection (don't judge).

I spent 2 evenings finishing these and deliberating with my daughter on whether to put their grandmother names (which we obviously decided to) or their initials.  So when they were finished I packaged them up neatly and put their cards together, etc, etc.  Well my mother calls me on Mother's Day after opening her new apron and proceeds to tell me how much she loves it and it's exactly what she would have chosen, but she then told me that I signed her Mother's Day card with "Happy Birthday".  Oh well, maybe I can call this her card for the year, LOL!  I guess next time I put this much effort into a gift I'll check the details too, haha!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Smith Mountain Lake Sprint Triathlon 2010

This blog post is a bit of bragging on my husband.  He did the sprint triathlon at Smith Mountain Lake this weekend and since it was his first OUTDOOR triathlon (yes, we've both done quite a few indoor ones) he was automatically classified into the "novice" category.  Being in the "novice" category turned out to be a great motivation because he ended up coming in FIRST in his class!  It was amazing!  I didn't do this race because I wanted to watch one before I participated so that I would know what to expect when I actually do compete.

For those who do not know much about triathlons, it is a 3 part race that is done back to back.  The first part of the race is the swim.  This particular race was done in Smith Mountain Lake (in Virginia).  It is a gorgeous, clear, clean lake.  Sometimes they're done in the ocean and it will be a cold day in hell before I will do that :)  And other times they are done in the pool (my preference).  Occasionally they are done in rivers too!

This swim leg of this particular race was 750meters which Mike completed in 15:04

The second part of the triathlon is the bike portion.  

In this race the bike portion was 20K (about 12 miles).  Mike completed it in 41 min 25 sec.
The final portion of the race is the run.

In this race the running part was a 5K (3.1 miles).  Mike did it in 25 min and 13 sec.  That might not seem very fast to those of you who run competitively, but get off a 20K bike ride and go into a run and tell me how you feel! Mike normally is almost 4-5 minutes faster in a 5K, that's how much is taken out of you when you do these races.  Crazy, huh!?!

His overall time was 1 hour 24 min 38 sec.  He only won his class by TWO seconds! TWO!!!  For those of you doing the math you might say, "Wendy, those times don't add up", you're right!  That's because there are these pesky little times called "transitions".  A transition is the portion of the race where you rip off your wetsuit, throw on your helmet, socks, and bike shoes and tear madly down the road to the bike start and then after the bike you tear off your bike shoes and helmet and furiously throw on your running socks/shoes.  And, yes, it is ALL timed!  Some of the super athletes get this down to an art, ie. no socks when biking and running and having bike shoes already clipped into the bike, etc.  Remember, Mike only won by 2 seconds!  

This was a great inspiration to me.  I am excited and hoping to do my first outdoor one soon.  Please don't expect me to have these kinds of times.  I am MUCH slower, but at the end of the day I am just proud of us for doing them at all and for setting a good example for our 5 year old (can't get use to that) little girl!

Here are some links if you're interested.  I've mentioned some before, but here there are again!