Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Color Wonder!

This was one of my Christmas orders and since I thought the colors were so fun I had to photograph them together! These are such great little bags for church, doctors visits, sibling dance/other practices, or whenever you need a little organized entertainment. They hold 9-10 crayons and a regular sized coloring book and best of all....they're personalized!!!! They are kid sized so the little ones can carry them around themselves and in reality when they hand them off to you to hold you can easily slip them into your Mommy Messenger from Milkshake Baby!

I don't have them up for sale yet because I'm still perfecting the pattern and finding the right fabrics, but feel free to contact me if you're interested in them!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Who needs a Charlie Brown Tree?

So it seems like the "Thing to do" is to get a mini Christmas tree for the kiddo's room.  I heard just about all my friends say they did this, that also meant Sam heard it too.  So for about 2 weeks I heard her beg and plead (nicely) for a little Christmas tree for her room.  I saw a flyer for Rite Aide that had them for under $10 for a 3' tree on special so we went down and bought it.  All I did was to put the little lights on it, she did all the decorating.

At first she started with ornaments, then she found some hair bows she thought would "look nice", then she found a random piece of Hannah Montana wrapping paper, then a belt from her drawer, then a glove, then she asked me if we should put cream on it.  Yep, the decorating was a success!  But it got me thinking...she is four and with this comes all the purity of what Christmas should be.  She walks around with Santa hats on and singing Christmas Carols and just being happy!  We get so caught up in the gift-giving as adults that we fail to remember to just enjoy the Holiday season.  I worry about who is getting what, is it enough, will they like that, etc. when I should just be happy to sit around with a cookie, tell stories of Christmas past, and watch "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase.  I use to be so excited abouth Christmas and now the advent calendar is a count down to how many less days I have to shop and sew!  Christmas is about more than shopping and the actual gift-opening process, it's about family and singing, and loving.
So this Christmas I'm trying to take a lesson from my daughter and her eclectic tree and just enjoy the season.  Enjoy the snow, and not get so wrapped up in pleasing everybody! 
Hope you'll do the same!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Mommy Messenger

So I feel like promoting my messenger bags; even though you can't buy them until January. Oh well, here are pic's of some I've done in the past.
The red one is my favorite, but I accidentally did it with a black duck fabric for the base and it is adorable!!!

My favorite bags are the "Design Your Own".  I say they're my favorite because I let the customer design the bag and then I make it, but I love to see the different tastes of my customers! 
The way the "Design Your Own" works is that you first go to this delightful little website and look through her fun collections (that changes frequently) of cotton fabric and then decide if you would like that fabric to match a brown or black base color, then you email me and let me know these choices, pay me, and wait 4-6 weeks then voila! a new bag arrives custom made for you!  There are more details (like size) on my store site

These bags are so great, I actually call them the "Mommy" Messenger because I totally had car-line in my mind when I made this (you mom's KNOW what care-line is).  You can stick a couple snacks, magazines, trashy paperback, diaper wipes, even a bottle of water!  The bag has 4 pockets on the outside alone!!!  There are 3 inside AND a giant interior.   I love this bag and I don't even own one yet.  Yup! Everytime I get a little bit in stock my friends come over and clean me out before I can get them up for sale.  That's okay, they're my best customers.
Come see me in January when I reopen my store and my sanity at to get one!

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Bite of Thanksgiving

Here is a little picture of our Thanksgiving.  We had a great time with good friends and excellent food.  I might take a moment to brag...I have never made a pie crust in my life and not only did my apple pie taste great (so I was told), but I was asked (no begged) to make another one that Saturday!  The pumpkin pie was not touched!  I wouldn't normally brag about something like that, but I really had no faith that it would turn out.  

I made Sam's little dress and she only got to wear it twice this fall, hopefully it's big enough to wear next year too.  The cake that she and her little friend are hovering over was made by a friend of mine on Facebook and if you ask nicely she might make you one too.  It was so good that I couldn't walk by the darn table without scooping a little with my finger!!! I was so glad when it was gone.  It was a white cake, chocolate buttercream frosting, and RASPBERRY sauce layered into a heavenly and sinful dessert! I highly reccommend her :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Big Bag

Well Thanksgiving is over, it snowed yesterday and I'm covered in orders! I have my shop open, but I'm not promoting much right now. I am very excited to have some new items starting in the spring, the picture above is a taste of what's to come! I am really excited to get everyone their orders as quickly as possible! I'm also very excited to get working on things for family and friends that I'm going to give as gifts. This is hopefully going to start in 2 or 3 weeks or whenever I wrap up my order sheet. I pray I have the energy to keep up with all I have to keep up with this season, but I've learned a valuable more in the summer when I'm slow!!!!!
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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pumpkin carvings

Here are some cute pictures of the pumpkins Mike carved. Super cute if you ask me! Who knew!
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Halloween Fun

Halloween is getting crazier! My little cheerleader ran this way and that the whole night! Not only was I unable to keep up with her, I was doing well just to know where she was, and this is at 4 years old so help me when she's older. This bag she used was so cute, no I didn't make it myself (not enough time) but I purchased through another cutesy little Etsy store called Ella Ba 'Della .
We had fun doing a little bit of decorating, but unfortunately there was a missing box or two of Halloween items that inhibited the decorating process and Sam told me, "Mom our house isn't very spookily, all the other houses have spookily stuff, but not ours! Next year lets do lots of scary stuff!". Well not to worry, I went and bought fun stuff from Hobby Lobby to make next year a little more "spookily".

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sam's Hair Donation!

Sam decided she wanted to get rid of her long hair b/c she felt like the "snarls" (tangles) were too much, so my friend Meagan suggested we try to donate it. Naturally I went to the Locks of Love website and it turned out Sam was about 1 inch shy of their donation requirement, so I went to and she met their requirement of only 8 inches! So we went to the salon and they pulled her hair into 4 ponytails and cut each one and put them in a bag which we mailed off. It was easy and now Sam has a super cute short 'do and she loves telling people she "donated" her hair!

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Monday, October 19, 2009

The Halloween Basket

Well here is my attempt at copying my mother in laws treat basket. My only problem is that I had no idea how to do it and I have no idea if you can actually lift it by it's handles. Hmmm. Maybe we'll leave this one out for decoration in the house and use the 'ol plastic stand by for actually handing out candy :)
Happy Halloween!!!!
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Down on the Farm

My Little Princess.

This day was spent picking out pumpkins. Aren't they cute on the trailer. It came to get us at the barn and then drove us all out to pick out pumpkins in the several acres of farm around. Of course ours were the heaviest! I think.