Monday, June 28, 2010

My little girly girl

I really should have posted this weeks ago, but I have been really busy getting myself on track while my beautiful and VERY energetic daughter is home with me all day during the summer.

Well the night of her graduation I wanted to give her a very special gift of a new dress.  I first saw it on the blog for Above All Fabric and then it was offered as a kit! Score!  I had intended it to be a birthday gift (back in April), but I stay busy, so unfortunately I didn't get to it until May, but it was DEFINITELY worth the wait!  Samantha LOVED it! She loved it so much she begged me to wear it 2 more times in the same week!

This dress was definitely a bit of a challenge and not because of the yards and yards of ruffles, but because the directions were very general and the pattern layout does not include seam allowance, thereby creating a lot of extra work for Wendy!  There was a great blog post to help with this pattern.  Once I got the hang of it I now want to make MORE and MORE so I'm settling for making her a Christmas dress.  If anyone has any ideas for fabric I'm all ears b/c I'm stumped. 


Brooke said...

Hi! This is Brooke from Your dress is amzing! I absolutely love it. I'm going to have to go and check out your etsy shop.

Thank you for becoming one of our followers. We hope that you can find some great money saving tips on our site. Thanks again for checking us out.

Milkshake Baby said...

Thanks Brooke! I am so excited to follow you guys. Some GREAT ideas and really, who doesn't need to save money!