Saturday, February 13, 2010

What it takes

I completed my fourth triathlon today.  I'm very proud of this, however, I would like to say I completed it at a faster time than I actually did.  We swam 300m, biked 15miles, and ran a 5K.  I did this in just over an hour, I wish I'd done it about 10 minutes quicker, but in the world of triathlons, that's a HUGE difference!  I ran into some obstacles like our very foul weather over the last 2 months here in West Virginia and since I don't have a swimming pool, indoor bike, or a treadmill at my home, I definitely missed some workouts.  I will plan these next 5 weeks before the next race to do more brick training and pray for better weather.
My ultimate goal is to do my first outdoor triathlon.  I've only ever done indoor races because I have an unnecessary fear of open water and road rash from a bike spill.   I am hoping to do the Charlie Williamson Memorial Triathlon here in West Virginia, but I will cross that bridge slowly.

I love doing tri's and I think that anyone can work toward it.  Sure, you won't come in and smoke everyone around you right away (or even after 1 year and four races), but it is a goal, it's something to get into the gym for besides a smaller jean size.  I also feel like I'm setting a good example for my daughter by showing her that fitness and health are a way of life.  My husband and I usually like to train together, even though he's a lot faster than I am, but this is a great bonding time for us too ( the picture below has him in the pool and on the right). He actually raced on a team this time because he injured his knee.


So, how do you get into them? Look for a tri-club at your gym or YMCA, talk to your personal trainers, or even pick up a book (I like Triathlon Training in Four Hours a Week by Eric Harr).  The triathlons are so popular these days that there is almost certainly a way to become involved in your area.  I personally got into it while in spin class at my YMCA, our instructor asked my friend and me if we were going to race and well, the rest is history!

I encourage everyone to find an active outlet, it is extremely rewarding and fulfilling!


Anonymous said...

You are so awesome! I am working towards it. you see, up until sometime in October, I could not swim. At all. Like couldn't put my face in the water (even in the shower) fear of swimming. I'm now putting my face in and am swimming 100 meters at a time. So I feel like I've made SO much progress. I won't pretend that it's easy for me. I still panick on the inside - but I'm doing it! Anyway it is my goal to complete a sprint triathalon in 2010, but to be under an hour...yeah right. that is a long way off for me! (btw, I studied nutrition too! And I grew up in WY...not exactly CO, but dang close! Man I wish you lived closer! I'm emailing you about that fabric too)

Milkshake Baby said...

Wow! You are overcoming a ton!!! Just making it your goal to get your face under is a great goal to meet. I think the rest of the race should be the easy part for you :) You are ready! Sprint tri's are super fun and pretty easy to get ready for, even with having kids to take up all your time, LOL!
Well I certainly hope to get to meet you soon. It's lots of fun "meeting" online and finding we have so many things in common! I'll make sure I look you up when I get to AZ! :)

Jennifer said...

I purchased from you once on etsy and I was browsing etsy and saw your message that you are taking a break and that you have a blog. So.. here I am! Congrats on the tri! I used to be very active and then I moved to the northeast (from the warm gulf coast) and had children and got fat and lazy. I keep trying to get into running, but I am frustrated and embarrassed by my lack of stamina and I end up quitting. Go you!!!

Milkshake Baby said...

Jennifer! I just read your comment...I hadn't checked comments in awhile (obviously), so what did you order?! Thanks so much for checking me out again, I'm actually about to open back up! Finally!
Don't quit the tri's, just work more slowly, I've found that the older I get the harder it gets to get results, but I LOVE doing it! It is such a stress relief! You could always start out by building your running up and then competing in the for while and just add on from there! I hope you get this! I'm so sorry I am so delayed in checking, YIKES!