Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Mommy Messenger

So I feel like promoting my messenger bags; even though you can't buy them until January. Oh well, here are pic's of some I've done in the past.
The red one is my favorite, but I accidentally did it with a black duck fabric for the base and it is adorable!!!

My favorite bags are the "Design Your Own".  I say they're my favorite because I let the customer design the bag and then I make it, but I love to see the different tastes of my customers! 
The way the "Design Your Own" works is that you first go to this delightful little website and look through her fun collections (that changes frequently) of cotton fabric and then decide if you would like that fabric to match a brown or black base color, then you email me and let me know these choices, pay me, and wait 4-6 weeks then voila! a new bag arrives custom made for you!  There are more details (like size) on my store site

These bags are so great, I actually call them the "Mommy" Messenger because I totally had car-line in my mind when I made this (you mom's KNOW what care-line is).  You can stick a couple snacks, magazines, trashy paperback, diaper wipes, even a bottle of water!  The bag has 4 pockets on the outside alone!!!  There are 3 inside AND a giant interior.   I love this bag and I don't even own one yet.  Yup! Everytime I get a little bit in stock my friends come over and clean me out before I can get them up for sale.  That's okay, they're my best customers.
Come see me in January when I reopen my store and my sanity at to get one!

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