Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The littlest George Bush fan

Okay, so I'm in the car driving and I've had Fox News broadcasting 24/7 on my Sirius in the car in response to upcoming elections. So, Sam is sitting in the back trying to pronounce "Barack Obama" and I choose this time to talk to her about the elections and that he is in a race with "John McCain" who she knows by sight and name. She understands "racing" so I thought that would be a simple way of putting it. I say, "He is in a race with John McCain to be the president of the United States" and she says to me "but George Bush is the President" and I said, "yes, but after Christmas he won't be anymore, it'll be someone else, either Barack Obama or John McCain." And her face fell and in a sad voice she said, "but I love George Bush". Ha Ha. She was so cute. I have to remember that always :)

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