Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept. 18, 2008

What a great idea; blogging to keep track of the cute stuff my daughter does, the histaria that is this presidential election, and the status of my store. For the few of you who may actually run across this blog it is just a collection of personal thoughts. I'm not doing it for anyone but me to keep track of life...I get writers cramp so this is much better!

Sam- doing great. Loves school. I need to work with her more on letters, she loves being read to and I really hope that sticks. It's so funny, when she hears a bad word (ie. butt or stupid) she makes a gasp and then says, "ooooo they said a bad word" and if you ask her what the word was she says, " I can't say that, I'm a good girl". Priceless!

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